Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Prix Fixe Year of the Dragon Menu/$20 per person

2012 Year of Dragon Special Prix Fixe Menu
$20.00/per person
not including tax and gratuity

A great way to sample a variety of our signature dishes at a fixed price. Suitable for small parties who like to share entrees at a meal. Check out the menu after the jump!

茶/Tea 選一/Choose One

Choices are: 茉莉花茶 Jasmine Tea; 梅子茶 Plum Tea; 玫瑰花茶 Rose Tea; 菊花茶/Chrysanthemum Tea; 桂花烏龍茶/Sweet Osmanthus Oolong Tea.

頭抬/Appetizers 任選二樣/Choose Two

Choices are: 上海春捲 Shanghai Spring Roll; 蒸餃/鍋貼 Pan Fried or Steamed Dumplings; 煙燻素鵝 Smoked Shitake Mushroom Roll; 酸辣白菜 Sweet & Sour Cabbage; 五香牛肉 Five Spices Marinated Beef; 葱油哲皮 Jelly Fish with Scallions; 紹興醉鷄 Shaoxing Wine Chicken; 涼拌干絲 Marinated Shredded Firm Tofu; 麻辣蚌貝*Sliced Shellfish in Hot Sauce; 麻辣牛筋* Beef Tendon in Hot Sauce.

湯/Soup 選一/Choose One

Choices are: 例 湯/酸辣湯 *Hot & Sour Soup; 翡翠鮮菇湯 Gourmet Mushroom & Greens; 寶島肉粳湯 Formosa Rou Gen Soup; 排骨酥湯 Pork Ribs; Turnip & Napa Soup.

主菜/Entrée 選二/Choose Two

Choices are: 宮保雙丁 *Kung Pao Chicken & Shrimp; 秋葵小炒 **Okra, Squid and Pork; 辣子雞丁**Chili Chicken; 放羊吃草 *Lamb with Cilantro; 麻婆豆腐 *Ma Po Tofu; 香干雞絲 *Shredded Chicken & Firm Tofu; 椒鹽帶頭蝦 *Crispy Head-on Shrimp with Jalapeño & Garlic; 回鍋肉 *Double Cooked Pork; 上海油爆帶頭蝦 Shanghai Style Head-on Shrimp; 青豆蝦仁 Sautéed Baby Shrimp; 清蒸魚柳 Steamed Fish Fillet with Peas & Carrots; 芒果酥牛 Crispy Mango Beef; 蠔油牛柳 Beef Tenderloin with Oyster Sauce; 糖醋里脊 Sweet & Sour Pork Loin; 蒜香時蔬 Sautéed Seasonal Vegetables with Garlic; 高麗舞茸 Maitake Mushrooms & Taiwanese Cabbage; 塔香豆腐 Tofu & Basil.

甜點 Desserts

Choices are: 幸運餅 Fortune Cookie and 新鮮水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruits.